What happened in the recent ICE raids in Northern California?
In the past few months, there have been ICE raids in the Northern California area, including the San Francisco bay area, San Diego area, and here in the Sacramento valley. The arrests in Northern California took place over a 4-day period, beginning Sunday, February 25. The San Diego raids occurred in mid-March. The arrests in Northern California began a day after the Oakland mayor, Libby Schaaf, issued a warning to the community that she had heard from “trusted sources” that ICE was planning raids in the Bay Area. Overall, there were approximately 230 people that were arrested. The number of arrests, which could have been a lot higher, was credited to the Oakland mayor’s warning the day before.
What is California doing to protect immigrants, legal or illegal?
California has been seen to be more active than other states in protecting immigrant rights, whether they are here legally or illegally. In October 2017, California governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that made California a “sanctuary state.” This became effective on January 1, 2018, and generally, it prevents the police in California from asking people about their immigration status or assisting the federal government in their immigration enforcement activities.
What happens if someone I know was arrested by ICE as part of a raid? Will ICE deport this person immediately?
If you know someone who has been detained as a result of an ICE raid, you can try to find out where they are being held, using this detainee locator website here. Once you locate that person, you may contact the facility about information on visiting hours. If you are able to make contact with this person, please make sure to tell them not sign anything they do not understand. Sometimes, the ICE officers will coerce or deceptively try to deport a person that has been detained by pressuring them to sign paperwork stating that the person would agree to being deported. It is recommended that you contact an immigration attorney to discuss what may happen to this person, whether they have any options for relief or release, and how the person may be able to fight their case in immigration court before a judge.
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